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Frequently Asked Questions

Filmset is an innovative platform that serves as a unified hub for various location owners, including state-owned, private, and business-sector properties. It aims to showcase the unique charm and character of these locations to a global audience of filmmakers. By offering a convenient way for property owners to connect with filmmakers, Filmset provides an opportunity for revenue generation through location fees and related services.

  • With Filmset, you can tap into the lucrative film industry valued at R6 billion in South Africa.
  • By attracting a film crew to your property, you’ll boost your own revenue by charging a location fee or with a range of your services required to support the production, from your private home or accommodation venue, restaurant, and business premises (lobby area, factories, assembly lines, laboratories, agriculture, farming, game reserves etc).

1 year. This annual contract can be extended for the following year upon request.

Our platform was launched in October, and we do not have the user statistics. Upon request, we will promptly provide the available statistics once we have them.

Website: Link

Apple App Store: Link

Google Play Store: Link

The listing fee on our platform is R1,500.00 per property or location per year.

Option 1 – The property owner will facilitate filming days.

Option 2 – Request unit manager provided by Filmset. Filmset will receive 20%.

The price for still or film shoots can range anywhere from R5,000.00 to R100,000.00 per day, depending on the requirements provided by the filmmaker. E.g., the number of crew members needed.

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Find answers to your questions about using our location-scouting app for film makers and property owners. Whether you're looking to rent out your property for a film shoot or searching for the perfect location for your next film project, we're here to help.

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